Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Some Things Never Change


And this has been true in most race riots in America.  The black entrepreneurs are who gets burned out by the savages.  I notice from the news coverage that many of the demonstrators are white college age kids, victims of the left's domination of higher education.


  1. Their college professors probably taught them that to pay for their sin of being white and probably also of privilege to lead the destruction and demand that the White "Pig" be hung from the tree nearest to where the sweet and innocent unarmed child was murdered in cold blood. Of course Brown was none of those things nor is Wilson anything but a police officer who was protecting his life and doing his duty but they will never accept that.

    Even with the white involvement this is yet another night of black people being hurt by mostly other black people as is the case the vast majority of the time.

    Are we at the beginning of a full out race war as sadly many in the left and in DC at the height of power seem to want?

  2. Here's a woman I just saw on CNN who lost her business. This poor lady is exactly what you are talking about.


    I support a law allowing business owners to take up arms to defend their businesses as well as their life or for that matter ones home if it is being attacked like this. Should be legal to fire thousands of rounds into these terrorists and savages under that circumstance.

  3. I support a law allowing business owners to take up arms to defend their businesses as well as their life or for that matter ones home if it is being attacked like this. Should be legal to fire thousands of rounds into these terrorists and savages under that circumstance.

    Will never happen as long as Missouri's higher level judges are selected through the Missouri Plan, i.e. the Left. Even more so than in other states, you can't depend on the statutory (written) law to know what self-defense actions are allowed, because they freely judicially nullify them (see e.g. any edition of Self Defense Laws of All 50 States).
